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"The decisive question for man is— is he related to something infinite or not? That is the
telling question of his life." —Carl Jung
Going-Home: From Brain to Belly to a Better World For All
As hopefully you will see by this video's end, there is great cause for celebration. We are evolving as a species and it cannot be stopped. In fact, at our quantum level, it is already a done deal. I base the title on Richard Rudd's end quotes.
The goal is still to accentuate the positive, yes. But in the right way, from a place of empowerment. What the video implies, and why I choose it to summarize my site is, the path to empowerment is through tapping, and fully trusting, the transcendent within.
The current seduction, however, is to lead us away from inner collaboration with the returning feminine, to outer collaborations within the old patriarch-ruled system, and its merchant mentality.
For the returning goddess to anchor in her true seat of power within, it will mean facing the pain body, bloated because denied. The unaddressed pain each day, globally, is so great that even if it were syphoned off by advanced technology, it would be replaced within a day or two. I have chosen the wounded healer route, not consciously but at soul level, in order to access higher information regarding how best to proceed. As the video hints, the re-emerging Mother archetype will be the most supported path to freedom from the past.
For now, my eyes limit my computer time, but what I expect to share will cover reclaiming the three-fold flame of the heart, clearing the pain body, and pain as portal. Meantime, what I've posted till now covers the broader background as I've understood it, and showcases what I mean by "inner-tainment" and inner journeying. Please enjoy starting where you are led, but do get to the video above. And may it be an I-opening and worthwhile 12-plus minutes for you.