Making Your Creative Journey Your Sacred Journey 

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Creativity As Quest For Wholeness

Welcome to Rainbow Climb Enterprise, a site dedicated to soul care through more mindful creative self-expression.

The focus will be on instructive examples, my own, at times of others, whose content, approach, or both, is about the inner journey, which qualifies it as soul care.

Beauty is in the natural order of things, and as we explore our own vision of beauty we bring ourselves into better alignment with the natural order. But to recover and release our own magnificence, our authentic self, and not just nature’s magnificence, it takes a different focus. It demands an inward journeying, what I’ll call Soul-Quest Creativity, aspiring to reach the rose at the end of the rainbow. The rose has long been connected with the heart, portal to the Soul.

The result is increased wholeness, increased healing, and a creativity increasingly free of the tired formulas the artist is drawn into when creativity serves only the outer quest for security, profit, prestige, or even the noble quest to improve the world.

To me, this quote best states my overall perspective:

“Creativity in all its forms is the Divine Feminine expressing Itself—Divine Mother giving birth to new ideas in infinite form and variety on all levels and in all dimensions.  The energy of the Divine Feminine resides within the heart center, and as increasingly more people allow their hearts to open, integrating and activating the energy of the Divine Feminine in balance with the Divine Masculine, it will manifest as creative ideas heretofore never dreamed of.

“In order for this true creativity to flow and manifest, the Divine Masculine must also be integrated for they are two halves of a Divine Whole.  Men are being guided to integrate and allow their Divine Feminine to flow, while women are being guided to integrate and allow their Divine Masculine to flow. The creative ideas of one without the other are either non-existent or only able to manifest in incomplete, three dimensional, and often uninspiring forms.”

—Marilyn Raffaele,

In sum, Soul care thru any Art is using image and rhyme, song and tale to evolve into more of who we deep-down are. Devotion to any Art can be a process of stretching one’s consciousness to include dimensions and doorways beyond five-sense awareness. New elevating experiences want to express thru those who have passed the guardians at each threshold— our own fears and broken parts, saying “go back!” The ultimate goal is to experience the Presence that walks as us, perhaps as sublime knowing, or as some very numinous personal or classic symbol. This is art as Ascension journey. Creating from this process state integrates the energy into us, and the result can bring uplift to others as well.

Creativity & The Shadow

“The creative process shrivels in the absence of continual dialogue with the soul. And creativity is what makes life worth living.”

—Marion Woodman, Jungian analyst

rainbow of stars