Making Your Creative Journey Your Sacred Journey 

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Drawing of Rainbow-Man & Destiny Team

Soul Care & Archetypes Within

When Ego’s head is awhirl asking, Who can I blame? Who is my rescuer?, Mindfulness advises: “Spend time with people who make you feel happy and fulfilled.” But what about the cast of characters we contain within? What if everyone I encounter only mirrors my inner family, and I project how they and I get along? What if I am Spirit and Soul tries to guide the story I am living out thru symbol and character, in dreams and yes, inner journeying?

I have deep nourishing connection with many such inner folk, who are mentors, and magical helpers. I have made friends with those who were worthy-adversary types, villains as long as I stayed stuck in their world, or stumbled into such states as doubt, anxiety, jealousy, shame, guilt, revenge.

To quote William Blake:

     Each man is in his Spectre's power

     Until the arrival of that hour,

     When his Humanity awake

     And cast his Spectre into the lake.

I read Humanity as the Soul, and Spectre as our Shadow, comprised of programming and disabling judgments. These low-frequency “vultures of the mind” can be safely engaged with thru imaginings we document in some creative way. It’s wise to add to mindfulness and meditation this further power tool: altered-state journeys thru the archetypal world we only access while asleep.

An army of persuaders, from rulers to celebrity influencers, work to keep us focused on the external. The hidden treasure is within, not in anything or anyone external, including a God, on high somewhere. “Faith in the Savior” does not mean religious belief in that God; it means belief in our divine Self, in our own loving and boundless Imagination as our savior. (If "Imagination” feels uncomfortable, use the more left-brain term, "consciousness.” As in: My consciousness is not in my body.  My body is in my consciousness.)

“Dreaming while awake” is seeking company and Inspiration from our true source, the Soul. Available 24/7, it can be the Rainbow Climb past the old energy now calling to be cleared, from both psyche and the race mind.

As creatives more and more learn to focus inwardly first, seeking themselves in their creations, they add to the groundswell that leads to a cultural shift, where the arts are recognized as the sacred tools they once were. Tools for wholeness, healing, and self-transformation. Tools to strip away the veil... between us and the Light Within.


Rainbow-Man & Destiny Team




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