Making Your Creative Journey Your Sacred Journey 

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“The world would have you agree with its dismal dream of limitation. But the Light would have you soar like the eagle of your sacred visions." —Alan Cohen

Navigating The Shift

I post the video to show, we are in the midst of a paradigm shift that is global. As we transition out of what has become unsustainable, there is the inevitable descent into chaos. Science has learned, out of chaos a new order always emerges. So it’s wise to trust we are headed to some form of Return to Eden, as promised ages ago. For me, The Shift ties in with creativity and the new direction the arts are being called to take.

As It Applies Globally

I view it as humanity's passage from living in the head to anchoring in the heart. We are moving from divisive separation consciousness to unity consciousness, from 3D awareness to a quantum understanding of ourselves as multi-dimensional, despite the illusion we are not.   

Factually, our entire solar system is moving thru a high-frequency energy field, till around 2035. This is affecting everything from earth weather, to institutions, to consciousness, to cellular structure.

In a word, the Shift is about the awakening and healing of humanity, for light and energy carry consciousness, and as consciousness rises, disempowering patterns give way, like a dam before a flooded reservoir. No longer outer-directed, we consult with and trust our inner authority.

As It Applies to Creativity

We cannot give true service from a disempowered space. As we awaken our uniqueness through some creative joyous pursuit, for its own end, and not as a means to some outer attainment, but simply to be in the joy of it, we prepare ourselves for better service by coming into our authentic power. We will be led by that power, if we commit to looking within. Led past the habits, beliefs, and conditioning which make up the false self trying to give service for the wrong reasons: to survive, win approval, change the world before we ourselves are transformed. In short, creative expression can lift us past the shackles of 3D identification, IF it’s about getting past the shadow stuff and back into the heart. From there we have regained connection with Source and our essence. Back into love, we become strong enough to end playing the separation game.

Out of this new consciousness must emerge new stories, songs, art. If we see no war between opposites, because we are living the joyous dance between them, why would we want to depict a world full of dysfunctional drama, conflict, and candy distractions? Well, we would, if we still buy into the need to win the approval and awards of the old system. I’m talking about graduating past that need. About being a bringer of the new dawn, by being the new possible human, capable of re-imagining the world while tidying up our own little corner of it.

There are ten Ouroboros videos exploring this paradigm reset. The intro video, above, lays a foundation, what the eagle sees compared to earth-bound vision. The last summarizes at greater length. In between, I focus on inner or outer things facing change. See if this proves uplifting. For now, I ask all to not post elsewhere without my permission. It can take traffic away from this site, and could be used to run ads. (New ways to earn will emerge only as we let go the old merchant mentality.) After the intro video, the Ouroboros series continues here. Done on an earlier machine, they will get polishing over time. Enjoy, and thank you for visiting.
